
JulyInterest Check


Head Mod | Alex

Co-Head/Writing Mod | Ryan/Ry

Did you know that comfort characters can hold SO much trauma?

Writing Mod | Ritsuko Ryoku

I'm the Writing Mod with the not-so-secret wish for Eustass Kid to be the Pirate King.

Art Mod | Cap/Many/Moe

Just a tired gremlin in need of more caffeine and maybe some cake. Cake sounds nice. Mmmm....Paulie's cake.

Graphics/Formatting Mod | Gali-La

Nutty over ALL the back page characters... but Thatch will always have my heart. He needs all the love

Social Media Mod | Tiffany

Vibrating with excitement about seeing the most random characters getting showered with love, this zine is gonna be AWESOME

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a lot of secondary characters and popular side characters. Will they be included in the zine?A list of characters that "don't count" will be released before the applications.
What constitutes an unpopular/minor character?The List and characters who aren't featured in merch often.

Ask questions anonymously on our Retrospring or DM on Twitter for a faster response